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The Relationship Between Teachers’ Perceived Spiritual Leadership and Organizational Commitment: A Multilevel Analysis in the Hong Kong Context


Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (AJSSH)



Tsui Kwok Tung, Lee Chi-Kin John, Zhang Zhonghua, Wong Ping Ho



The purpose to this paper is to explore the relationship between teachers’ perceived spiritual leadership and organizational commitment. A survey was conducted to collect data from a sample of 2,094 teachers from 117 primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. Questionnaire developed by Fry et al. (2005; Fry, 2003;
Karadag, 2009) was used to measure teachers’ perceived spiritual leadership and spiritual survival in their schools. Eighteen items were used to measure the three factors of teachers’ organizational commitment: affective commitment, continuance commitment, and normative commitment (Meyer, Allen, & Smith, 1993). The analyses were conducted using multilevel confirmatory factor analysis (MLCFA) and multilevel structural equation modeling (MLSEM). The current study has illustrated how membership and meaning/calling play a mediating role between spiritual leadership and organisational outcomes It has shown that the influence of spiritual leadership on membership is apparently stronger at the school level than is it at the teacher level. This reflects, to an extent, the observation that qualities operate at both individual and organizational levels. It also reflects the call for all members in an organization to engage in a spiritual journey – a journey of transformation to become a less ego-centered and more other-centered person (Fry and Altman, 2013, p. 69).


Prof. Tsui Kwok Tung
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Acting Dean of Faculty of Education and Human Development


Lee Chi-Kin John
Vice President (Academic) and Provost, Director of CRSE and UNESCO Chair in Regional Education Development and Lifelong Learning


Dr. Zhang Zhonghua
Senior Research Fellow, The University of Melbourne, Australia


Dr. Wong Ping Ho
Department of International Education