「終‧生‧大事」生命教育項目計劃網上分享會將於二零二二年五月十三日(星期五)下午兩時正至三時正舉行,誠邀各位參加,與教育界同工一同探索推行生命教育的心得。活動詳情如下: | |
日期: | UNESCO Chair in Regional Education Development and Lifelong Learning; CRSE, EdUHK |
時間: | Prof. Gordon Mitchell, incumbent Professor for Religion and Intercultural Education, University of Hamburg |
內容: | Prof. Gordon Mitchell is an expert in religious education and an influential researcher in the field of religion in public education and creative arts in peace education, as well as cross-cultural and interreligious dialogue. Earning his PhD in the distinguished Heidelberg University, Prof. Mitchell is also an extremely productive and experienced project organizer. To explore the possibilities of peacebuilding in a multicultural metropolitan such as Hong Kong, this seminar will chiefly focus on Prof. Mitchell’s experience in the devising of the “Art Peace Project”, a ten-year on-going project that “serves as a forum for the exploration of ways in which the creative arts can contribute to Human Rights and Peace Education”; and the “Spirals of Interreligious Dialogue Project”, a project which emphasizes the notion that there are no finality in the interpretation of religious phenomena. With that in mind, the project seeks to document the interactions between university researchers and religious communities with the hope of exploring new avenues in the teaching of interreligious awareness. |
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如有任何疑問,請與項目助理梁小姐(電話:2948 7304)聯絡。 |